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Writer's pictureKaylee Hunt

When God Seems Distant

Updated: Jan 11, 2020

Today I wanted to write an article based on a question I know a lot of us, if not all, have asked: Where are you, God? Do you hear me?

I'm going to be honest and say that these past few months have been pretty rough for me. And if this was any other year, it would probably really shake and crack my faith. But so far, it hasn't. That doesn't mean I've never asked those questions, though.

In this article, I want to share what has helped me in this season of life. And that first requires recognition. I am in a season of change. While I won't really go into detail, I will say that this change has altered relationships, both positively and negatively.

Change can be a scary thing. And honestly, I hate change. I really do. Mainly because it can trigger my stress and anxiety. And we all know dealing with that isn't fun.

But I have learned that with change comes trust and discipline. So, with that being said, here is our first question:

1. How Can I Hold Onto God?

Talk to Him ➡ Prayer is so important, guys! It is our ultimate means of communication with the Lord. So, pray it out. Explain your concerns. Mention what you're thankful for (prayer isn't only for the bad, but the good, too). And if you feel uncomfortable talking out loud, think out your prayer or write it down. He'll still hear you, don't worry!

Seek guidance ➡ Whether it's a friend, family member, a counselor, or a trusted leader, talk to someone about what you're going through. The beauty about seasons is everyone learns differently. You never know what wise advice you'll receive! Trust me.

Get in God's Word ➡ This is another important action to do. Trust me, I know it's hard, but it's so vital! God speaks to us at different times with different things. Most of the time, He uses His Word, His letter to us, to speak. So whether its a verse a day, a study, or a random book of the Bible you choose to read, make sure you're aware of what God is trying to tell you. You would be surprised what you might learn.

Here's another question some might have:

2. What Can Help?

A Bible study ➡ Keeping a consistent study or going to a Bible study or community group can be so beneficial. Especially if you have others around to help you better understand the text and the possible message behind it. I've been reading through Romans with She Reads Truth. Man, has it been so fruitful! I would definitely check out one of their studies!

Listen to a podcast ➡ Podcasts as so amazing! It's like seeking wise advice from those who focus on spending time in God's Word. And with the idea of them becoming more popular and easier to access, there are so many good ones you can find! My favorites right now are "WOAH That's Good" with Sadie Robertson and "Bought and Beloved" with Kirby Minnick. I promise you, you will learn so much!

Listen to music ➡ We all know that music does wonders. Listening to worship music is one of my favorite things to do and I can really relate to the lyrics depending on what season of life I'm going through. Plus, they're just so uplifting and there is an endless supply of amazing songs. Try finding a playlist or two (or create your own) that you know will set a fire in that soul of yours!

I want to end this article with a couple uplifting verses that prove God's presence amidst your storm.

"Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19

There are so many amazing verses, friends, proving God's commitment to us! I mean can I get an amen?!

That's all I have for you today. I hope it has been so helpful for you. God will never leave nor forsake you. He is near!

Lord, I ask you to place your comforting hands over us. Remind us that even when we walk through that dark and deserted valley, you are beside us every step of the way. Help us and guide us moving forward, Lord. Shine your light in our darkest moments! In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Like always, I hope you have an amazing rest of your day and weekend. Keep smiling. You never know who will need it.

XO, Kaylee

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